mayo 13, 2020

Pick Best Virgin Hair Human Lace Wigs

Hi guys, from Baisi they have contacted me to tell you about their products. I think it's a great option when you want to change your look but you don't want to risk it.

We like to change our hair now and then,sometimes we'll find it is something that is hard to reverse.The methods that we could change our hair is by going through the process of getting our hair cut or getting our hair colored. Getting our hair cut will result in we having to grow our hair back out if we are unhappy with the way it is cut. This will take a long period of time,depending on how long we want to grow our hair.

During that period of time,our hair goes through a period where it does not look as kempt as usual. If we have our hair colored, we risk having a color that we are not happy with. We will have to deal with the color until it fades or if it is bad enough, we may have to have it redone. There are many reasons why using lace wigs will be much more time effective and affordable than other ways.

Having our hair done is a constantly ongoing process,so we will have to keep up with it no matter what. Having our hair colored not only hurts our hair, but our pocketbook as well. Highlighting or coloring our hair is expensive and takes a long time of sitting in a salon chair. The processing of our hair can cause damage that, although not irreversible, takes time to heal. If we want to avoid our hair being damaged, brazilian hair full lace wigs are the way to go. Not only are they more cost effective than repeated trips to the hairdresser, but they also are able to be changed frequently without going through the damaging effects on your hair.


How to pick the right wig for yourself?
Pick a hairstyle that is right for your facial structure.There are magazine articles everywhere that give different facial shapes and indicate what types of hair styles look the best for each of those styles.It is important to take this into consideration because you want to pick a hairstyle that is flattering to your facial structure. If you have a round face, you would look better with hair that frames your features and has body to it. If you have a slim face, you will want a style that plays on those features.Everyone has a different style and face shape,and should pick a hairstyle to match that.
Celebrity who has a hairstyle you like?

One of the easiest ways to find a hairstyle that is perfect for you is by looking through celebrity magazines.Celebrities have stylists that choose their hairstyles because they know what looks good and they do hair professionally on a daily basis. If you take the time to go through these magazines and find hairstyles that you like, you can take those to your hairdresser and have them pick out the ones that they feel are the best for you.

Design a wig depending on what you like:
There are many websites that allow you to design wigs from start to finish.You can pick the style, length, texture, and color of your hair.This gives you the opportunity to truly pick exactly what your end result will be.This is for people who are looking for a wig that they want to have for a long period of time.

Wigs and hairpieces are the easiest way to change your appearance without doing any hardcore irreversible effects.Full lace wigs give you the chance to pick something out and change it if you are not happy with the result.They are easier on your hair and better all around in terms of cost and time,so take more consideration on indian or brazilian human hair lace wigs before you make your final decision on what you will choose for your hair!

Have a good day!

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mayo 11, 2020

Productos terminados Abril 2020

Hola chic@s, como todos los meses os traigo una entrada con los productos que he terminado durante el mes de abril. El mes pasado he terminado bastantes productos, tanto de cosmética como de maquillaje, algunos ya los habéis visto por aquí porque son habituales y otros son productos nuevos que he estado probando. Sin enrollarme más os dejo con la habitual foto de familia. 


mayo 08, 2020

Manicura puntos: #esmaltandocontecnicas

Hola chic@s, hoy os traigo una nueva manicura para el reto de @esmaltandoconñ de técnicas. Esta semana la técnica a usar son los puntos. Seguís estando a tiempo de participar y podéis hacerlo con una manicura, una manualidad, un maquillaje o lo que os apetezca. En esta ocasión opté por hacer una manicura en mate y más sobria que las anteriores aunque aportando color con los puntos que son el tema de la semana.


mayo 06, 2020

Look con el rescate de abril: sombras rosas para la primavera

Hola chic@s, con un poco de retraso os traigo el look de las sombras rescatadas en abril, se trataba de rescatar una sombra que nos evocase la primavera y yo me decanté por unas sombras rosas de una paleta de Coastal Scents que me hacen pensar siempre en la primavera, el sol y el campo.  En esta época me apetecen los maquillajes más ligeros, de efecto natural y buena cara.


mayo 04, 2020

Como trabajar desde casa, teletrabajar

Hola chic@s, imagino que much@s de vosotr@s estáis teletrabajando por la situación actual y tener un lugar adecuado para ello es muy importante, para evitar distracciones y poder  seguir haciendo nuestro trabajo de una forma eficiente. Yo teletrabajo desde hace varios años y he de comentar que hay detalles que ayudan a mantener la concentración como son los colores usados, texturas e incluso la disposición de los muebles. 

Un despacho adecuado, no tiene porque ser una habitación exclusivamente para ello, puede ser una zona dentro de otra habitación, debe contar con un ambiente agradable ya que vamos a pasar varias horas en él. Debe contar con una adecuada mesa de estudio, buena iluminación, siempre que sea posible que sea natural, tus ojos lo agradecerán, ambas cosas son lo básico para poder trabajar en casa.
